“The kabaka’s trail provides a captivating exploration of buganda’s vibrant past and living traditions. It offers a unique journey through the rich heritage sites of the kingdom of buganda, shaped by the kingdom’s kings and their descendants. This trail provides an opportunity to delve into buganda’s hidden history while immersing oneself in authentic culture such as food, dance, music, storytelling, traditional herbal medicine, and museums. The kabaka’s trail comprises seven cultural sites, all conveniently located within easy reach of kampala, the capital of uganda.”

The buganda kingdom has been around for several generations; spanning over 700 years. The kingdom has had 36 kings since its existence. In 1993, the 36th king, kabaka ronald mwenda mutebi 11 was crowned king on the historical hill known as naggalabi buddo. The king spear heads all development activities in the kingdom including education, economic empowerment, social, health and cultural aspects.


Naggalabi- Buddo

Buddo hill is named after a warrior who defeated bemba in a memorable battle, earning the title of ssemanobe, the guardian of the battleground where bemba fell. It holds immense significance within the baganda kingdom, situated at the heart of buganda. Notably, it served as the venue for the coronation of ssaabasajja kabaka ronald kimera mutebi ii on july 31st, 1993, attended by tens of thousands of people.

Naggalabi coronation site, located in buddo, busiro, wakiso district along the kampala-masaka road, has been the traditional venue for the coronation of buganda’s kabakas for over 800 years. This historic site symbolizes the inception of kingship in buganda, tracing back to the victory of kintu over bemba, leading to kintu declaring himself the first kabaka of buganda. Covering over 300 acres atop a hill, it offers breathtaking panoramic views.

The site is dotted with significant landmarks, such as nakibuuka, where bemba met his demise, and buganda house, where newly crowned kings spend nine days deliberating with their cabinet. Notably, the towering mboneredde tree served as a tribunal during kintu’s reign. Visitors can explore these historic points while guided by knowledgeable narrators who recount buganda’s rich history, including the establishment of kingship and the journey of each kabaka to the throne. Traditional music performances further enrich the visitor experience.

Kanyange Cultural Centre

Located on a hillside overlooking wamala tombs, kanyange tombs commemorate nnamasole kanyange, the mother of kabaka suuna ii. Kanyange played a crucial role in buganda’s history, ruling alongside her son, who welcomed the first foreigners to buganda. The tombs house artifacts dating back to 1840-1869, including drums gifted to kanyange by kabaka suuna ii. Visitors can embark on a historic walk to wamala tombs, retracing kanyange and suuna’s footsteps. Accessible via a 30-minute drive along bombo road, visitors can turn left at kagoma trading centre.

Katereke Prison Ditch

This serene site features a circular ditch where king kalema once imprisoned 39 royal members he perceived as threats to his rule. Kalema’s reign, during kabaka mwanga ii’s tumultuous era, witnessed succession battles and political intrigue. Located 40 minutes along the masaka road, visitors can turn right at the end of nsangi town, opposite nsangi police station, and drive 1.5 km to reach the site.

Wamala Tombs

Situated in nabweru sub-county, wakiso district, wamala tombs serve as the final resting place of ssekabaka ssuuna ii, the 29th king of buganda. The grass-thatched tombs offer a remarkable view, with historical significance tied to ssuuna’s reign and the introduction of islam in uganda. Visitors can explore artifacts, including ssuuna’s spears and shields, and learn about his legacy, such as the construction of kasubi tombs. Accessible via a 30-minute drive from kampala, visitors can turn right after nansana/yesu-amala town and drive approximately 2 km to reach the site.

Sezzibwa Falls

Sezzibwa river, derived from the luganda phrase “sizibirwa kkubo” meaning “my path cannot be blocked,” is a significant site in central uganda. The falls, located approximately 20 miles east of kampala along the kampala-jinja highway, hold cultural significance in buganda folklore, believed to be born by a woman en-route to kavuma bukunja. Visitors can enjoy the scenic beauty, engage in rock climbing, bird watching, and sample local foods and drinks. Traditional dances and musical performances add to the immersive experience at this buganda heritage site.

Ekisakatte Tourism Site - Kiranongo

Ekigango, translating to “courtroom” in luganda, is a significant historical site in buganda, where young leaders were traditionally trained in various life domains for leadership roles. Notably, sir edward mutesa ii, father of the current kabaka ronald mwenda mutebi ii, sent his son at the age of four to be raised by his close friend and confidant, misaeri waalo kaweesi in ntwetwe village, as part of a humble upbringing crucial for future leadership. Today, ekigango has become a prominent tourist attraction, showcasing structures like the royal house and serving as a training center for young leaders. Plans include establishing a fully equipped kigango capable of accommodating cultural and disciplinary training for up to 2,000 individuals simultaneously, highlighting buganda’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage and developing future leaders.

Namasole Baagalayaze

These tombs honor baagalayaze, the mother of mwanga II, who passed away in 1916. Baagalayaze held a prominent position as the wife of muteesa i and the mother of mwanga II. Today, the tombs and their surroundings serve as a cultural center celebrating buganda’s heritage, offering visitors traditional performances, arts and crafts, and insights into the kingdom’s history. They are conveniently located a 30-minute drive from kampala on the gayaza road.